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Already measured lunch boxes of more than 600 primary school children in Flanders…

We are approaching mid May and by now we already measured over half of the planned lunch box measurements. The aim was 1000 lunch boxes in 25 schools in Flanders. By now we are over half way with 600 measured lunch boxes… Our study keeps on running till mid June so more to come. Next… Poursuivre la lecture Already measured lunch boxes of more than 600 primary school children in Flanders…

End of the co-creation phase…

The co-creation sessions in the four different schools in Flanders have come to an end in April 2023. We went through different, but all equally fascinating and interesting, sessions with the children, parents, teachers and other school staff. One of the kids’ favourite techniques was the one we call the “pizza-method”. Through this way, children… Poursuivre la lecture End of the co-creation phase…

This week: shout out to our partner Rikolto!

Rikolto means ‘harvest’ in Esperanto. Their goal is to ‘harvest’ innovative ideas and grow sustainable and creative solutions in order to make healthy and qualitative food choices possible and affordable for everyone. Rikolto is an international organisation that sails into biodiversity challenges, tries to tackle poverty, dishonesty and unfair incomes for farmers. They do this… Poursuivre la lecture This week: shout out to our partner Rikolto!

This week: shout out to our partner Let Us!

With a great expertise in food and sustainability, Katrien Verbeke connects different partners and organisations to create innovative (and sustainable) solutions for challenges of all kind related to food systems, with the co-creation method as a building block. Let Us is also a game changer for local and international food policies by combining participatory strategies… Poursuivre la lecture This week: shout out to our partner Let Us!

How our co-creation preparations are going…

What did we experience so far? When recruiting schools, it is striking that it is necessary to work through an intermediary (our partners such as Enchanté vzw, students or our own network). Otherwise, schools will not respond or respond negatively to our request for participation. Furthermore, our script for the co-creation sessions is ready. Nevertheless,… Poursuivre la lecture How our co-creation preparations are going…

What’s new?

2023 has started well for our project! Last Monday we have welcomed a new colleague to our team. End of 2022, we received the great news that the Flemish Government supports our project to measure the content of the lunchboxes among Flemish primary school children financially which enables a larger data collection as well as… Poursuivre la lecture What’s new?

Co-creatie: de start

De academische en non-academische partners werkten de voorbije weken nauwgezet samen om de eerste fase van de studie vorm te geven met het oog op de ethische goedkeuring van het project. Deze fase omvat de ontwikkeling van een objectieve, laagdrempelige, niet-intrusieve, inclusieve, niet-stigmatiserende onderzoeksmethodiek via een participatieve aanpak (co-creatie) met leerlingen uit de derde graad… Poursuivre la lecture Co-creatie: de start

Doel van het LUNCH-BOX-MONITOR project

Gesprekken met verschillende stakeholders, o.a. de Gentse School Food Council en het OCMW Gent leerden ons reeds een aantal jaar geleden dat het idee leeft dat de lunchpakketten van Vlaamse kinderen vaak ongezond en niet-duurzaam zijn. De weinige internationale studies naar het fenomeen bevestigen deze indruk: brooddozen bevatten teveel vet en suiker en te weinig… Poursuivre la lecture Doel van het LUNCH-BOX-MONITOR project